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My Decks
Yugioh 2019 decks
Yugioh Decks Options
I consider
1. Black Magician 2. Blue Eyes 3. Red Eyes
4. Warrior 5. Ancient Warrior 6. Zombie
7. Synchron 8. Maked Heroes 9. Elemental Heroes
10. Cyber Dragon 11. Crystal Beast 12. Masked Heroes
13. Ancient Gear 14. Machina 15. Light Kaiba Machina
16. Salamangreat 17. Thunder Dragon 18. Monarch
19. 20. AirStriker 21. Gold Pride 22. Magnet Warrior
23. Agent 24. Umi 25. Orcust 26 Fire Fist 27. Blackwing
28. Lightsworn 29. Dragunity 30. Harpie Ladies 31. Blue Eyes 32. Spellbook 33. Shadoll 34. Lightsworn 35. Six Samurai 36. Qiliphort 37. Machina 38. Kaiba Machina
(39. Synchron 40. Blackwing 41. Lightsworn)
42. Qiliphorts 43. Stellar Knight 44. Qliphorts 45. Ritual Beasts 46. Burning Abyss. 47.48. Machina Earth
49.50. Magnet Warrior
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