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1. Richard Agbulos:
James, I think that your tour schedule is not good enough, I can arrange a better one for you, (Me, sure); glad to hear that you listen to me.
2. To Tom Wang, (Me and my mom) congrat for you being newly married with marriage. Tom: thanks.
3. Tim Kang: want to come to Tzuching's general meeting or go to LA to watch a Laker game with Kobe in it?
If I can I like to play you on pool and ping-pong again.
4. Yun-ching Huang: I do play video games like Civilization, what about you James,? Me: I play Magic the Gathering. Yun-ching I listen podcast while driving to learn Mandarin Chinese.
5. Tiffany Chern: so James, what do you study? Me: I study Materials Science. Tiffany Chern: what can that do?
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